Djellala Direct Live Training by Skype

Individual Training one to one: This training is a one to one training that deals with aspects of swing trading. You can take the whole package or just select what you want to learn. Some traders like to be taught directly live without the need to take the training courses by videos or Ebooks. There is no prerequisite knowledge to do this course. This training is for all traders whatever their levels, because you will begin from the beginning till the end.
The whole training one by one by Skype. $2000 ( 8 hours of instruction = Either 2 sessions of 4 hours or 3 sessions of 3 , 3 and 2 hours hours.
Group Coach Training: I offer also direct training for a group. This will be cheaper than the individual training.
If interested write back directly to


Testimonials disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.
What the traders say about my training levels and my membership subscription
